28 Results for:

March 2, 2017

United Kingdom
The Scottish Play: Will Brexit Spell the End of a United Kingdom?

The decision by British voters last June to leave the European Union (EU) has thrown that bloc into turmoil. But its implications for Great Britain could be even more profound, portending the dissolu…


September 17, 2021

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
Trade Versus Subs: The Risky U.S. Tradeoff in the Asia-Pacific

Which will matter more, a dozen more nuclear subs on the U.S. side of the ledger or a trade pact that could draw many of the world's largest economies ever-closer toward China?  

U.S Secretary of State Blinken and U.S Defense Secretary Austin, host Australian counterparts at US State Department

March 13, 2014

Middle East and North Africa
Abbas and the "Right of Return" Will Defeat John Kerry

When the Kerry negotiations fail to achieve an Israeli-Palestinian peace, many observers in Europe and even some in the United States will attribute the disappointment to Israel and especially to “Is…

December 10, 2013

Politics and Government
Ten Elections to Watch in 2014

Numerous countries will hold elections in 2014. Here are ten to watch. 

Voters line up outside a polling booth during the state assembly election last week in New Delhi, India. (Ahmad Masood/Courtesy Reuters)

December 15, 2014

Ten Most Significant World Events in 2014

As 2014 comes to a close, here are the top ten most notable world events of the past year.
