63 Results for:

June 19, 2017

What’s Worth Reading This Summer?

CFR.org editor Bob McMahon and I recorded our annual summer reading episode of CFR’s “The World Next Week” podcast last week. Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, senior fellow for Women and Foreign Policy and best…

TWNW Reading

April 8, 2020

South Africa
The Pandemic Offers New Opportunities for South African Leadership in the Region

Since assuming office in 2018, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has consistently disappointed those who hoped that he would usher in a new era of South African leadership in foreign policy.

 President Cyril Ramaphosa delivers his State of the Nation address at parliament in Cape Town, South Africa, February 13, 2020

January 18, 2011

Russia Delays UNSC Vote on Cote d’Ivoire

A U. N. Senegalese peacekeeper looks on during the visit of Alain Le Roy (not pictured), under-secretary-general for Peacekeeping Operations at the United Nations at the Golf Hotel, headquarters of…

Russia Delays UNSC Vote on Cote d’Ivoire

September 16, 2011

Politics and Government
The World Next Week: The Palestinian Authority’s Bid for UN Membership

The United Nations General Assembly in New York. (Shannon Stapleton/courtesy Reuters) The World Next Week podcast is up. Bob McMahon and I sat down to talk about the sixty-sixth UN General Assembly …

Members applaud after the United Nations General Assembly voted on South Sudan’s membership to the United Nations at UN headquarters in New York July 14, 2011. South Sudan achieved independence on Saturday after its people voted for secession from the rest of the country in a January referendum, under the terms of a 2005 peace deal that ended a 20-year war between north and south Sudan. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

September 23, 2011

Prime Minister Noda Outlines His Priorities in New York

Japan's new Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda speaks during a high-level meeting on nuclear safety and security at the United Nations headquarters in New York September 22, 2011 (Shannon Stapleton/Courte…

Japan’s new Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda speaks during a high-level meeting on nuclear safety and security at the United Nations headquarters in New York September 22, 2011.