2,235 Results for:

November 2, 2021

Refugees and Displaced Persons
Preview Screening and Discussion of "Simple As Water"

Ten years after the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Syria is still the world’s largest refugee crisis. In Simple As Water, the documentary from Academy Award-winning director Megan Mylan, portrait…

Play Refugee camp at the Syrian-Turkish border

May 24, 2024

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Panelists review the humanitarian situation in Gaza and discuss U.S. policy options to address the crisis.  

Play Palestinian boy sleeps on a mattress inside the remains of his family's house in Gaza.

February 16, 2017

United States
Water and U.S. National Security

As part of the Center for Preventive Action's Flashpoint Roundtable Meeting Series, Joshua Busby, associate professor of public affairs at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, and David Mi…

Play Water

April 24, 2017

Prioritizing Water on the Global Agenda

Angel Gurría provides his perspective on the crucial need to deliver on present and future water challenges around the world, and advocates for water as a driver of sustainable growth and development…

Play RTX34Z25_EC.jpg

May 29, 2024

Middle East and North Africa
Oil and National Security: U.S.-Middle East Relations

Steven Cook discusses the modern history of U.S. involvement in the Middle East and how economic interests, including secure access to oil reserves, continue to influence U.S. priorities in the regio…

Play US oil refinery at dawn.

June 1, 2018

Food and Water Security
Countdown to Day Zero: Water Scarcity and Security

Panelists discuss the causes of water crises, the threat they pose to stability and security, and policy options to address them.

Play Countdown to Day Zero: Water Scarcity and Security