22,568 Results for:

November 28, 2007

Financial Markets
What should replace the Gulf’s peg to the dollar? More on my Peterson institute policy brief

Oil and the dollar have not consistently moved in the same direction over the past ten years.     In 1997/1998, oil tanked and the dollar soared.In 2000, oil and the dollar both rose – in large par…

May 7, 2006

United States
Searching for the origins of dark matter

Hausmann and Sturzenegger, if nothing else, have spurred a lot of work with a catchy title and a bit of clever accounting. We now know that:Dark matter stems more from low (reported) returns on forei…


February 1, 2013

Mexico’s Democratic Malaise

During Mexico’s 2012 presidential election, many political pundits voiced their fears that the PRI’s return would bring a resurgence of the country’s less democratic past. According to new polling da…

Democracy FA - LAM

December 2, 2007

China: selling Treasuries and buying yen? What do we know about how China manages its foreign assets?

Put the latest from Stratfor and Yves Smith (Naked Capitalism) together, and it seems like China may be scaling back on its holdings of US treasuries in order to buy yen.  Stratfor hints that China m…


December 5, 2007

Competition — and coordination — within the Chinese state as China goes forth

Today’s Financial Times has an important article by Geoff Dyer and Sundeep Tucker examining the overseas expansion of Chinese companies in general, and Chinese state companies in particular.  It is a…