80 Results for:

January 3, 2013

What to Watch in 2013: Latin America’s Presidential Elections

Last year Mexico, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic held presidential elections, leading to some of the region’s biggest news stories of the year: the PRI’s return to power and the strong second …

Elections in 2013 - LAM

October 23, 2013

Public Education in Brazil

When people talk about what holds Brazil back, education tops the list (along with infrastructure). The poor quality of Brazil’s public education system limits students’ capabilities and adaptability…

Brazil education - LAM

May 30, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
Going Directly to the Wastebasket: Another Plan for the "Peace Process"

Some "peace processors" never give up. In the New York Times today, four of them try an old and very bad idea: forget about negotiations, and substitute the views of some un-elected elderly "statesme…

March 9, 2009

Wariness in Cuba toward the Obama Administration

Julia E. Sweig, CFR’s director of Latin American studies, says ties between Washington and Havana may change, but the United States has been downplaying expectations of a breakthrough.  

September 6, 2011

Demand Side Policies in the U.S. War on Drugs

Passengers on a bus pass a vehicle painted with a slogan during an anti-drugs campaign to mark International Anti-Drug Day in Jakarta (Dadang Tri/Courtesy Reuters). The “drug war” strategy of the la…

Passengers on a bus pass a vehicle painted with a slogan during an anti-drugs campaign to mark International Anti-Drug Day in Jakarta (Dadang Tri/Courtesy Reuters).