98 Results for:

April 20, 2016

Global Climate Policy After Paris

As countries prepare to sign the landmark Paris climate accord, the work to reduce global carbon emissions is only beginning, says CFR’s Michael Levi.

January 22, 2016

Syria’s Agonizing Diplomatic Path

UN-mediated talks in Syria are jeopardized by disagreement over which opposition parties should participate, but a broader obstacle is whether a compromise over Bashar al-Assad’s future can be reache…

September 22, 2015

Iran Nuclear Agreement
Tricky Path for Iran Sanctions

U.S. officials will have to consider the consequences of new sanctions as they weigh how to address Iran’s regional policies without derailing implementation of the nuclear accord, says expert Richar…

November 14, 2014

Ukraine Needs U.S. Arms to Play Defense

Outmatched by the Russian military, Ukrainian forces require more support from the Pentagon, including defensive weapons, says expert Steven Pifer.

October 24, 2014

Middle East and North Africa
Iraqi Kurdistan’s Refugee Surge

A refugee crisis in northern Iraq’s Kurdish region is intensifying as winter approaches and the threat posed by ISIS forces shows no signs of abating, says journalist Jane Arraf.