90 Results for:

March 27, 2015

Navigating the Iran Sanctions Thicket

The prospect of sanctions relief as part of an Iran nuclear agreement has alarmed some in Congress, but they should see the value of a UN Security Council resolution affirming the deal, says CFR’s Jo…

February 13, 2015

Japan’s Hard Power Play

While the ISIS executions of two Japanese hostages have reinvigorated a public debate about the country’s postwar pacifism, recent moves by Tokyo to revise its counterterrorism policies should be vie…

September 2, 2014

United States
Countering the U.S. Image Problem

Foreign media coverage of the social unrest in Ferguson reinforces damaging global perceptions of the United States, says expert Philip Seib.

August 7, 2014

Erdogan’s Grip on Turkey

Turkey’s first-ever presidential election is expected to elevate Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to head of state. The current premier, who faces a divided populace and regional conflicts, is lik…

June 19, 2013

Heads of State and Government
Obama’s Broader Message in Berlin

The president’s speech combined lofty idealism and pragmatic realism at the iconic Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on Wednesday, says CFR’s Charles Kupchan.