• Venezuela
    Venezuela: The Rise and Fall of a Petrostate
    Venezuela’s ongoing descent into economic and political chaos is a cautionary tale of the dangerous influence that resource wealth can have on developing countries.
  • RealEcon
    Making U.S. Trade Policy Relevant Again
    U.S. trade policy can still solve problems but requires new approaches that engage with current realities rather than wishful thinking, says former chief of staff to the U.S. trade representative.
  • United Kingdom
    Why a Feminist Foreign Policy
    Utilizing an approach that centers on gender equality and gender analysis ensures that policymakers in countries better understand the impact of foreign policy decisions on individuals and every part of a community.
  • Economics
    The Spotty International Tax Record of Big U.S. Technology Companies
    Many big technology firms continue to book large offshore profits in low tax jurisdictions, particularly Ireland and Singapore.
  • Trade
    Toward a More Prosperous, Less Polarized, Worker-Friendly Economy
    The United States has long relied on tax-and-transfer programs to address the problem of inequality, but these have failed signally to mitigate growing societal polarization. A new approach to economic policy is necessary—encompassing areas as far afield as labor markets, trade, and capital flows—that shifts the emphasis toward reducing the sources of inequality resulting from the operation of the market.
  • Economics
    American Pharmaceutical Companies Aren’t Paying Any Tax in the United States
    The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) has substantially reduced the domestic tax paid by American pharmaceutical giants. 
  • Economics
    Immigration Has Boosted Labor Force Participation, Helping Growth and Hastening Rate Cuts
    One factor boosting the case for an early Fed rate cut is the rise in the labor force participation rate—a rise driven by immigration.
  • Olympics
    The Economics of Hosting the Olympic Games
    The costs of hosting the Olympics have skyrocketed, while the economic benefits are far from clear. The 2024 Paris Olympics could be a test of whether reforms to the process have made hosting a better deal.
  • Economics
    Global Trade Tracker
    The CFR Global Trade Tracker allows you to gauge trends in international trade through time. The map below compiles trade data from 178 countries as reported to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It displays values for each country’s trade in tangible goods and, for countries reporting the necessary data to the IMF, it also shows the value on their current accounts (that is, adding in services trade, payments to investors abroad, and other foreign funds transfers). For both current-account and goods-trade data, you can choose to view countries’ exports, imports, total trade volume, or balance of trade. You can also choose to see the data in U.S. dollars or as a share of countries’ gross domestic product (GDP). Use the drop-down menu above the map to select which figures to display. Hover over a particular country to see its latest data and, to view changes over time, adjust the date using the slider above the map. Dollar-denominated data appears on the map as circles, and each circle’s area scales with the size of that country’s trade. Countries are shaded according to their share of GDP, with darker shading signaling more trade. Countries with a positive trade balance are colored in green, while those with a negative balance are colored in orange. The data highlights significant trends in global trade. It shows, among other things, how trade plunges during recessions and climbs during recovery. In the third quarter of 2009, for example, one year after the onset of the Great Recession, global goods trade plunged by 25 percent from the year prior (by 10 percent of each country’s GDP, on average). Trade then climbed higher over the subsequent decade but fell sharply again during the COVID-19 pandemic. By the second quarter of 2022, goods trade had risen back to pre-pandemic levels. After moderating over the course of 2022, it fell mildly in 2023. Factors weighing on trade include depressed demand owing to high borrowing costs, falling commodity prices, and growing tensions between China and the West.    You can also view historical trade data for each country on the chart below. Select a country with the left drop-down menu and which category to display with the right one. To the left of the chart, you can see the selected country’s most recent trade figures and average tariff rates. For sixty large national economies, the chart also displays data on each country's bilateral trade relationships with its largest trading partners.   As both the map and the chart show, the dollar value of global trade has grown markedly over the past three decades. Some of this rise owes to increased globalization, but price inflation has also played a role in the dollar data. Countries’ share-of-GDP numbers, which strip out most of the inflation effects, have naturally risen more slowly. Please also visit our Global Monetary Policy Tracker, Global Imbalances Tracker, Global Growth Tracker, Global Energy Tracker, Sovereign Risk Tracker, and Central Bank Currency Swaps Tracker. Data Notes The map above shows goods-trade and current-account figures for countries that report them to the IMF’s Balance of Payments dataset. All trade data is shown as four-quarter rolling sums, as is current-account data for countries that report quarterly. Otherwise, data is annual. GDP figures come from the IMF’s International Financial Statistics (IFS) dataset, except for Venezuela after 2012, for Myanmar prior to 2013, and for cases in which the IFS has not yet published a country’s figures. In those cases, GDP numbers come from the IMF’s World Economic Outlook. For each country, its top three trading partners are defined as those countries with which it has the greatest goods-trade volume over the most recent eight quarters of data.