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November 2, 2023

What Are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

The United Nation’s ambitious development agenda aims to protect people and the planet via seventeen goals. But experts say governments aren’t doing enough to implement them.

Students attend a lesson at a school in the Tillabéri region of Niger.

March 28, 2024

What Is Canada’s Immigration Policy?

With its comparatively open and well-regulated immigration system, Canada remains a top destination for immigrants and refugees.

New Canadians wave the national flag during a citizenship ceremony in Toronto.

December 27, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence breakthroughs promise unprecedented opportunity but also economic, political, and social disruption. Experts say AI needs oversight to ensure the changes it engenders are for …

A woman stands on stage, appearing to fade away as she faces a metaphorical representation of AI.

March 26, 2024

Refugees and Displaced Persons
How Does the U.S. Refugee System Work?

The United States has long been a safe haven for refugees from around the world. President Biden is working to expand the country’s resettlement program after the Trump administration made sharp cuts…

Afghan refugees walk through Dulles International Airport in Dulles, Virginia, on September 2, 2021.

March 18, 2024

India’s Muslims: An Increasingly Marginalized Population

India’s Muslim communities have faced decades of discrimination, which experts say has worsened under the Hindu nationalist BJP’s government.

Muslim women in India hold signs during a protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act.

February 26, 2024

United Nations
The UN Security Council

The UN Security Council is the premier global body for maintaining international peace and security, but it faces steady calls for reform to better meet twenty-first-century challenges.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addresses the Security Council via video amid Russia’s war.

March 18, 2024

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
What Is NATO?

The alliance is bolstering its military deterrent in Europe amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and has expanded to include Finland and Sweden.

Swedish soldiers participate in military exercises near Stockholm, February 2024.

April 17, 2024

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

Conceived as the principal defenders of the 1979 revolution, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has evolved into an institution with vast political, economic, and military power.

Members of the Revolutionary Guards attend a parliamentary session in Tehran.

March 2, 2023

United States
The State of U.S. Strategic Stockpiles

President Joe Biden has tapped the nation’s emergency reserves several times over the past year. The Strategic National Stockpile is just one of the reserves that the United States maintains for econ…

Members of the Oklahoma National Guard Oklahoma National Guard walk toward the front of the Strategic National Stockpile Warehouse after unloading medical supplies.