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June 27, 2018

South Africa
Even as Winter Rains Come to Cape Town, Water Scarcity Is Here to Stay

In 2017, Western Cape Premier Helen Zille declared the Western Cape a disaster area because of the drought. In March, the ruling African National Congress’ minister for cooperative governance, Zweli Mkhize, declared a national state of emergency. However, with the arrival of winter rains, Mkhize did not renew the state of emergency when it expired on June 13.


April 11, 2014

International Organizations
Winter is Coming: Beyond the IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings, an Unfinished Battle for Reform

Below is a guest post by Claire Schachter, research associate in the International Institutions and Global Governance program. The Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank Group are underway in Was…

August 9, 2023

Latin America
Latin America This Week: August 9, 2023

Hot winters in the Andes and Southern Cone threaten Latin America’s advantages; Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico aim to ride U.S. semiconductor industrial policy coattails; Colombia’s new ceasefire agreeme…

One of Intel’s buildings in Guadalajara, Mexico.

January 30, 2014

The World Next Week: Security Concerns Plague the Sochi Winter Olympics, Thailand Holds Parliamentary Elections, and Ukrainian Protests Continue

The World Next Week podcast is up. CFR distinguished visiting fellow and former New York City police commissioner Ray Kelly joined Bob McMahon and I on the podcast this week to discuss security chall…

An Olympic volunteer takes pictures of people posing under the Olympic rings in Sochi. (Phil Noble/Courtesy Reuters).

February 4, 2022

Japan’s Lawmakers Call Out Human Rights Abuses in China

As the winter Olympics begin this week in Beijing, the Japanese parliament has added its voice to the global chorus of concern about human rights in China. 

Lawmakers stand up to show their support as Japan's parliament adopts resolution on human rights in China at the parliament in Tokyo

January 31, 2022

Jail Term for Former Liberian Defense Minister Offers Ray of Hope to Anti-Corruption Forces in Africa

Last week, the Liberian Supreme Court affirmed the ruling of a lower court which ordered the imprisonment of former Liberian Defense Minister Brownie Jeffrey Samukai Jr., for two years. A one-time deputy minister in the country’s Ministry of National Defense, Samukai was former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s pick to head the ministry when the latter took over the reins as president in January 2006.

U.S military commander wearing camouflage speaks with former Liberian minister in civilian clothing.