368 Results for:

March 17, 2023

How to Read Xi’s Muscular Message on China’s Global Role

Xi Jinping used the annual legislative session to lock in his tenure as president and reinforce China’s assertive foreign policy and the reemergence of its economy.

Chinese President Xi Jinping prepares to take his oath during the Third Plenary Session of the National People’s Congress.

October 26, 2023

Climate Change
Climate Finance Gains Momentum Ahead of COP28

Countries will collectively need to spend trillions of dollars to reach their decarbonization goals and protect the most vulnerable nations from climate disasters, but experts say current funding lev…

October 18, 2022

Washington Raises Stakes in War on Chinese Technology

New U.S. sanctions are in some ways more restrictive than Cold-War era controls.

Semiconductor device at Semicon China.

December 6, 2023

United States
COP28 Can Deliver Progress on Climate Change, but Will It?

Committed global action at every level of government, the economy, and society is needed to tackle such a complex, multifaceted challenge, and a growing awareness that time is running out should help…


April 24, 2023

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Working Together Toward Accountability: How the ICC and a Special Tribunal on Aggression Can Work Together on Ukraine

Accountability in law is a cornerstone for more stable societies. Both domestically and internationally holding those who step away from the law accountable deters the future perpetration of crimes. …

September 9, 2022

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Guantanamo Bay: Twenty Years of Counterterrorism and Controversy

The U.S. military detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has generated intense debate for two decades, raising enduring questions about national security, human rights, and justice.

A collage of surveillance photographs shows Guantanamo detainees.