210 Results for:

March 11, 2024

Myanmar’s Army is Collapsing: An Update

As the Myanmar military faces a record level of defections, its control of the country looks increasingly tenuous.

Soldiers dressed in fatigues and dark hats walk through a forested area carrying a red blanket.

May 28, 2019

Climate Change
Climate Change and the Global Economy Should be the Top Priorities for Policymakers

How should world leaders prioritize global challenges in the coming year? Experts from twenty-eight think tanks ranked mitigating and adapting to climate change and managing the global economy as the…

An elderly man exercises in the morning as he faces chimneys emitting smoke behind buildings across the Songhua river in Jilin province, China on February 24, 2013

May 16, 2019

Trump’s Trade War Unimportant in Grand Scheme of Things

Experts from the Council of Councils grade international cooperation on global trade a middling C in 2018, rank it one of the lowest priorities on the global agenda, and are only somewhat optimistic …

Workers are seen on scaffolding at a construction site in Nantong, Jiangsu province, China, on January 1, 2019.

February 9, 2024

Complications in Colombia’s AG Selection, Plus Milei’s Electoral Reform Failure and El Salvador’s Opposition Collapses

Colombia’s process to select a new attorney general is not going smoothly; electoral reform an early failure in omnibus fiasco; and the collapse of El Salvador’s opposition is bad news for Bukele

Photo of Petro supporters protesting outside of Colombia's supreme court

June 12, 2019

Global Governance
It’s the Global Economy, Stupid!

Experts from the Council of Councils rank managing the global economy the second highest priority on the global agenda and graded the world's performance on the issue a middling C+. 

A trader at the stock exchange reacts to the election of Donald Trump in Frankfurt, Germany on November 9, 2016.

July 18, 2019

Development Turns Competitive With Mixed Results

A vast gulf remains between development financing and development goals. International competition could help bridge that gap, but has produced mixed results to date.

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank President Jin Liqun at the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing, China, on April 25, 2019.