576 Results for:

March 17, 2022

Southeast Asia
New Asian Disorder: A Review by Charles Dunst

A review of Lowell Dittmer's new edited volume.

Chinese President Xi Jinping applauds at the opening session of the National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, on March 5, 2022.

October 2, 2016

Prince Charles and Israeli Funerals

Prince Charles attended the funeral of Shimon Peres last week, in Jerusalem. This was not his first visit: he also attended the Yitzhak Rabin funeral in 1995. In the 21 years since then he has vis…

March 3, 2022

United States
Stagflation: Real Threat or Imagined?

While the U.S. is unlikely to see a repeat of the “Stagflation” of 1965-1982, it is still helpful to understand both the similarities and differences from that period as the country faces stubbornly …

Gas prices grow along with inflation as this sign at a gas station shows in San Diego

September 19, 2022

United States
Laura D. Tyson: California Capitalism’s Successes and Challenges

California Capitalism's greatest successes are in education, health and climate.  Its greatest challenges are inequality and affordable housing.

Gavin Newsom

October 1, 2019

The President's Inbox: Charles Edel and John Lee on the U.S.-Australia Alliance

The newest episode of The President’s Inbox is live. I sat down with Charles Edel and John Lee, fellows at the University of Sydney’s United States Studies Centre, to talk about the future of the U.S…

Australia touts its history with the United States outside its embassy in Washington, D.C.