217 Results for:

March 6, 2023

United States
Biden’s Progress on Women’s Rights: Good Start, But Not Fast Enough

More than two years into his presidency, Joseph Biden has achieved some of his gender equality goals, and fallen short on others.

President Biden hosts a virtual meeting with governors inside the White House

July 25, 2011

Sub-Saharan Africa
Unrest in Senegal

Opposition supporters attend a rally in Senegal's capital Dakar, July 23, 2011. (Finbar O'Reilly/Courtesy Reuters) Kate Collins, a special assistant here at CFR, has written about the recent unrest …

Opposition supporters attend a rally in Senegal’s capital Dakar, July 23, 2011. (Finbar O’Reilly/Courtesy Reuters)

July 24, 2020

Wars and Conflict
Five Movies Worth Watching About Revolts, Rebellions, and Revolutions

Each Friday this summer, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: movies about uprisings.

Movie posters clockwise from top left: Doctor Zhivago/Roger Ebert; Mandela/People’s World; Lawrence of Arabia/Amazon; Braveheart/Google Play; The Crying Game/CineMaterial; Michael Collins/Amazon.

August 8, 2023

United States
Congress Asserts Its Trade Authority With Taiwan Trade Deal

A first step to getting U.S. trade policy back on track

The U.S. Capitol Building is seen shortly before sunset in Washington

April 11, 2023

United States
Amid Trade War with China, Few Industries Support the Tariffs

But a vocal handful want Americans to continue to pay for protection.

Katherine Tai after she was nominated by President Biden for the role of U.S. Trade Representative (USTR)