238 Results for:

November 2, 2023

What Are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

The United Nation’s ambitious development agenda aims to protect people and the planet via seventeen goals. But experts say governments aren’t doing enough to implement them.

Students attend a lesson at a school in the Tillabéri region of Niger.

December 5, 2023

Climate Change
Global Climate Agreements: Successes and Failures

International efforts, such as the Paris Agreement, aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But experts say countries aren’t doing enough to limit dangerous global warming.

Muddy waters nearly submerge lines of cars during a flood in Colorado, United States.

March 28, 2024

What Is Canada’s Immigration Policy?

With its comparatively open and well-regulated immigration system, Canada remains a top destination for immigrants and refugees.

New Canadians wave the national flag during a citizenship ceremony in Toronto.

April 13, 2007

Aging, Youth Bulges, and Population
The Effects of ‘Youth Bulge’ on Civil Conflicts

The presence of idle and unemployed young people in the developing world, or so-called “youth bulge,” is emerging as a catalyst for internal violence.

February 8, 2024

United States
The U.S. Vice President and Foreign Policy

Modern vice presidents can trace much of their political influence to the broad reforms that Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale made to the second-highest elected office in the late 1970s.


July 5, 2022

Energy and Climate Policy
How Does the U.S. Power Grid Work?

Responsible for powering the country and its economy, the U.S. energy grid has come under increasing strain due to climate change, and the threat of cyberattacks looms.  

Power lines are seen in Rancho Cucamonga, California.

February 8, 2024

Why China-Taiwan Relations Are So Tense

Taiwan has the potential to be a flash point in U.S.-China relations. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taipei in 2022 heightened tensions.

A statue of a Taiwanese soldier looks over the Taiwan straight at a Chinese city.