53 Results for:

February 9, 2012

Can Vázquez Mota Win Mexico’s Presidential Election?

I wrote a piece on Vázquez Mota and what it means for the Mexican election for Foreign Affairs entitled "Vázquez Mota and the 2012 Mexican Election". In it I argue that she has the potential to upend…


September 16, 2024

United States
CFR Fellows' Book Launch Series: Reagan—His Life and Legend by Max Boot

From best-selling biographer Max Boot comes this revelatory portrait, a decade in the making, of the actor-turned-politician whose telegenic leadership ushered in a transformative conservative era in…

Play President Ronald Reagan at Republican convention Rally in 1982.

December 4, 2015

This Week in Markets and Democracy: Petrobras Corruption Scandal, Elections in Egypt and Venezuela, and Turmoil in Haiti

CFR’s Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy (CSMD) Program highlights noteworthy events and articles each Friday in “This Week in Markets and Democracy.” Petrobras Probe Widens The Petrobras corrup…

Egypt Election Edited

March 17, 2016

Do Brazil’s Street Protests Spell the End for Rousseff?

Brazil’s drama has escalated at breakneck speed. On March 4, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was detained for questioning. On March 8, construction magnate Marcelo Odebrecht was sentenced …

March 18, 2016

This Week in Markets and Democracy: Brazil’s Crisis Snowballs, Deferred Corruption Prosecutions, U.S. Bets on Cuba

Brazil’s Corruption Crisis Snowballs Brazil’s corruption investigations expanded to encompass the former and current president. Federal police detained and questioned former President Luíz Inácio Lu…


December 31, 2019

Ten World Figures Who Died in 2019

Ten people who passed away this year who shaped world affairs for better or worse.