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November 15, 2016

China, Manipulation, Day One, the 1988 Trade Act, and the Bennet Amendment

President-elect Trump has said that he plans to declare China a currency manipulator on day one. I am among those who think this is a bad idea. This isn’t the right time to signal that China’s lon…


August 6, 2021

Five Foreign-Policy Movies Worth Watching About Actual World Events

Every summer Friday, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: films inspired by reality. 

Three movie posters in black frames. From left: Charlie Wilson's War (a man, woman, and another man in sunglasses look out); Breaker Morant (three men in military uniforms stand over scenes of combat); Invictus (a man in a green and yellow rugby uniform looks triumphant in front of a crowd with Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela behind him).

January 19, 2011

It’s (Almost) All Good on U.S. Trade Imbalances – China Remains Exception

The yearly U.S. trade deficit peaked at 6.4% of GDP in August 2006. It improved significantly after the financial crisis, bottoming out at 3.6% in January 2010. This swing provided a boost to GDP…

It’s (Almost) All Good on U.S. Trade Imbalances – China Remains Exception

July 30, 2009

The Yuan

China has long pegged its currency to the Dollar.  After the USD started to depreciate against many currencies in 2002, expectations emerged that China would move away from a tight dollar peg.  Fol…


August 2, 2010

China’s Currency Head Fake

In the run-up to the June G20 summit in Toronto, China came under significant U.S. pressure to loosen its currency peg to the dollar. “The administration constructively set the G20 meeting as an im…

China’s Currency Head Fake