5,300 Results for:

May 4, 2008

Financial Markets
The Economist and Goldman on oil and the dollar

I liked the lede of this week’s economist story on the Fed, the dollar and oil: “THE spirit of St Augustine hovered over the Federal Reserve this week. “Oh Lord, let us stop cutting interest rates…

June 29, 2012

Health Policy and Initiatives
John Roberts, Environmental Economist

Commentary in the aftermath of Thursday’s Supreme Court decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act has focused on its immediate political and policy consequences and on the limits it articulates to t…

February 28, 2024

World Economic Update

The World Economic Update highlights the quarter’s most important and emerging trends. Discussions cover changes in the global marketplace with special emphasis on current economic events and their i…

Play A worker sits as a crane unloads containers from a ship

May 21, 2024

A Preview of Kenya’s State Visit

During Kenya’s state visit, the United States should work toward building a more resilient model of U.S.-Africa partnerships.

Kenya's President William Ruto addresses the nation following heavy rains and subsequent flooding in the country, at the State House in Nairobi, Kenya on May 3, 2024.

June 27, 2005

Martin Wolf makes sense (the Economist does not)

Martin Wolf’s FT column makes a number of crucial points:1) Asia has let undervalued exchange rates (and reserve accumulation) substitute for policies to promote domestic demand. The (growing) back…

May 13, 2024

Taiwan’s Democracy Is Thriving in China’s Shadow

Despite China’s growing pressure, Taiwan has developed one of the world’s strongest democracies—one that will be increasingly tested in the coming years. 

Electoral workers count votes for a 2021 referendum at a ballot counting center in Taipei, Taiwan.