20,102 Results for:

October 9, 2023

Modi’s Statement on the Israel Crisis Demonstrates a Transformed India-Israel Bilateral Relationship

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement condemning Hamas and offering support for Israel amidst the recent crisis illustrates that ties between the two nations have changed dramatically in th…

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi extends his hand for a handshake with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu during a meeting in New Delhi.

July 12, 2023

The Daily Interference in Israel's Internal Affairs

The Biden administration continues to interfere in Israel's internal debate over the role of the judiciary, most recently adding unfair criticism of how demonstrations are being handled by police.

March 27, 2023

Israel's Crisis

Israel's crisis is about judicial reform, but about deeper issues as well. Religion and state issues, and the role of the fast-growing haredi population, are at the heart of the matter.

May 15, 2024

Power and Financial Interdependence

My new paper for the Geoeconomics and Geofinance Initiative of the Institute Français des Relations Internationals’ (IFRI) explores the history of the Sino-American financial relationship.

Power and Financial Interdependence

April 20, 2023

Sudan in Crisis

Amid protracted conflict in Sudan, the United States should work to lower the temperature amongst external actors, and support Sudanese citizens, who remain steadfast in their aspirations for a civil…

A man walks in the streets of Khartoum, as smoke billows in the sky amidst conflict between rival forces.

February 10, 2022

The U.S. Should Not Designate Nigeria’s IPOB a Terrorist Group

In October, an American scholar argued in a Washington Times op-ed that the United States should designate the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), a secessionist group in Nigeria’s South East region, as a terrorist group. Doing so would be a mistake that risks causing a massive human rights crisis in Nigeria and West Africa.

A man looks up at the sky with his arms outstretched. Another man walks by him, wearing a shirt with "Biafra" written across the back.