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August 5, 2011

Reads of the Week: Chile’s Miners, Brazil’s Industrial Policy, and Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel

Miner Gomez celebrates as he arrives on the surface as the ninth to be rescued in Chile (Ho New/Courtesy Reuters). Today is the one year anniversary of the collapse that buried 33 Chilean miners dee…

Reads of the Week: Chile’s Miners, Brazil’s Industrial Policy, and Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel

April 22, 2016

This Week in Markets and Democracy: Honduras’ Anticorruption Fight, Freedom House Report, Conflict Minerals Setback

Honduras’ New Anticorruption Fighter Takes on the President Last summer allegations that Honduran officials stole more than $200 million dollars from the social security system led to widespread pu…

A demonstrator holds a sign that reads "Out JOH", in a reference to Honduras' President Juan Orlando Hernandez, during a march to demand the resignation of Hernandez in Tegucigalpa, August 21, 2015. Thousands of protesters have been continuing demonstrations in Tegucigalpa, calling for the resignation of Hernandez over a $200 million corruption scandal at the Honduran Institute of Social Security (Reuters/Jorge Cabrera).

May 21, 2024

Analyzing Lai Ching-te’s Inaugural Address: More Continuity Than Difference

In his inaugural address, Taiwan’s new president Lai Ching-te signaled broad continuity on cross-strait issues. China, however, is likely to respond with increased pressure. 

Taiwan's new President Lai Ching-te delivers his inaugural speech in Taipei, Taiwan on May 20, 2024.

April 2, 2024

Supply Chains
U.S.-South Korea Policy Coordination on Supply Chain Resiliency

On November 28, 2023, the Council on Foreign Relations’ program on U.S.-Korea Policy held an in-person workshop on U.S.-South Korea policy coordination toward China on supply chain resiliency. 

Leaders of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) take a group photo at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit in San Francisco on November 16, 2023.

April 16, 2021

Women and Women's Rights
Women This Week: Generation Equality Forum Kicks Off in Mexico City

Welcome to “Women Around the World: This Week,” a series that highlights noteworthy news related to women and U.S. foreign policy. This week’s post covers April 10 to April 16.

Women in Mexico City host vigil to protest government's inaction on femicide.

March 27, 2024

United States
Modernizing the Federal Student Loan Experience

President Biden wants to modernize the federal student loan system. The U.S. Postal Service and Affordable Care Act can show him how.


March 1, 2024

United States
Election 2024: President Joe Biden Delivers His Third State of the Union Address

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: Joe Biden will likely stress his domestic achievements over his foreign policy challenges when he a…

Biden SOTU

March 4, 2024

United States
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Unsung Hero Protecting Critical Infrastructure from National Security Threats

One of the IIJA's lesser known components is the investment it provides for resilience against cyber threats to critical infrastructure like ports, energy grids, transmission lines, and railways.
