32 Results for:

July 2, 2020

Belgium Begins to Confront Its Brutal Colonial Past in Congo

Following anti-racism protests in Belgium, King Philippe, in a letter to Felix Tshisekedi, president of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), expressed his "regret" over his country’s exploitation of DRC.

Belgian King Philippe sits at a dark wooden table in a black suit, black tie, and white shirt. His hands are folded and his face is somber, with his silver-white hair combed down. To the left is a Belgian flag on a vertical flag pole; to the right are two family framed pictures sitting on a low bookcase.

December 18, 2017

For Clues on How to Address China’s Growing Political Influence Strategies, Look to Australia

Part of a Series of China’s Growing Influence Within Democratic Societies In a relatively short period of time, international media attention—and attention by policymakers—has focused on Beijing’s…


November 26, 2016

On the Death of Fidel Castro

On the death of Fidel Castro my thoughts today turned immediately to Huber Matos, who sadly did not live to see this day. Matos was a true hero of the Cuban Revolution--and was therefore imprisone…

July 25, 2014

Diplomacy and International Institutions
TWE Remembers: Serbia Responds to Austria’s Ultimatum

Diplomacy is often a contest to gain the upper hand in the court of world opinion. The country that can depict itself as victim of aggression even when the facts are more complex may rally greater su…


July 29, 2014

Wars and Conflict
TWE Remembers: World War I Histories

You can learn a lot about the origins, events, and consequences of World War I by surfing the Internet. But if you really want to understand why the Great War happened, you should read serious histor…
