24 Results for:

October 6, 2017

Cyber Week in Review: October 6, 2017

This week: Russia gets more NSA cyber tools, section 702 reform, Max Schrems, internet shutdowns cost money, and Australia's cyber engagement strategy.

Mike Rogers NSA

April 22, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
Meet Africa’s Hero Rats

Today is Earth Day, an appropriate moment to remember Africa’s HeroRats. On April 19, the New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof called attention to these creatures and their ability to sniff-out …


March 18, 2013

Immigration and Migration
Mexico and the United States, Two Nations Indivisible

Mexico and the United States are linked closer than ever through trade, bi-national communities, security concerns, and a shared democratic vision. In this interview with Emerging Markets, I spoke wi…

Emerging Markets Pic - LAM

August 21, 2020

Wars and Conflict
Five Movies Worth Watching About Foreign Intrigue

Each Friday this summer, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: tales of espionage and conspiracy.

Movie posters clockwise from the top left: Bridge of Spies/Amazon; Notorious/ReelGood; The Third Man/FilmSite; Argo/Awards Circuit; The Spy Who Came in from the Cold/YouTube; Three Days of the Condor/FanArt.

October 30, 2017

Digital Policy
Bringing Transparency and Accountability to Online Political Ads

The internet makes it easy for political ad buyers to obfuscate their donors and handlers. Despite the challenges, there are significant steps that Congress and social media platforms can take to imp…

Twitter Russia